Retrieving Person Details from Database using Entity Framework in C#

which retrieves a list of person details from the database using Entity Framework in C#


In this blog article, we will focus on understanding and explaining the GetPerosonDetail method, which retrieves a list of person details from the database using Entity Framework in C#. The method will leverage LINQ to Entities to fetch data and will return a custom model containing both basic information and address details.

Understanding the GetPerosonDetail Method:

Let's break down the code of the GetPerosonDetail method and understand each step:

public List<PersonDetailModal> GetPerosonDetail(): The method signature indicates that this function returns a list of PersonDetailModal objects.

using (var context = new CrudApplicatonEntities()): The code utilizes a using statement to create an instance of the CrudApplicatonEntities database context. This ensures that the context is properly disposed of after its use.

var result = context.PersonDetail.Select(...): The method utilizes LINQ to Entities to query the PersonDetail table from the database.

Select(x => new PersonDetailModal() { ... }): The Select method projects each PersonDetail entity in the database to a new instance of the custom model PersonDetailModal.

Id = x.Id, FirstName = x.FirstName, LastName = x.LastName, Email = x.Email: The properties of the PersonDetail entity are mapped to the corresponding properties of the PersonDetailModal object.

Address = new AddressDetailModal() { ... }: The Address property of the PersonDetailModal object is mapped to a new instance of the custom model AddressDetailModal.

Id = x.AddressDetail.Id, Street = x.AddressDetail.Street, City = x.AddressDetail.City, State = x.AddressDetail.State, PostCode = x.AddressDetail.PostCode, Country = x.AddressDetail.Country: The properties of the AddressDetail entity are mapped to the corresponding properties of the AddressDetailModal object.

ToList(): The query is executed using the ToList() method, which returns the result as a list of PersonDetailModal objects.

return result;: The list of PersonDetailModal objects is returned as the output of the method.


The GetPerosonDetail method retrieves person details from the database using Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities. It returns a list of custom model objects (PersonDetailModal) containing both basic information and address details. This method serves as a foundation for fetching data from the database and can be further expanded or integrated into a broader application for displaying, processing, or manipulating person information.
